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Важное уведомление о смене названия компании

Time:2021-11-26 15:08:00Num:1041 Source:兴发娱乐 Edit:admin
Dear customers and partners,

Due to business development needs, approved by the Shenzhen Administration For Market Regulation, the former name of the company “深圳市兴发娱乐物流有限公司”has been changed to “深圳市兴发娱乐物流股份有限公司”. There is no change in the English name of the company, the name is: SHENZHEN NEPTUNE LOGISTICS CO., LTD.


With immediate effect, the former name of the company is no longer in use. All internal and external documents, information, invoices, account numbers, tax numbers, etc. will use the new company name, and the seal of “深圳市兴发娱乐物流股份有限公司SHENZHEN NEPTUNE LOGISTICS CO., LTD.”.

After the change of the company name, the legal subject of our company has not changed, the contracts and cooperation signed under the original company name will continue to be valid, and our original business and service commitments remain unchanged.

Thank you for your support and love over the years. We will provide you with better services with a higher vision, higher goals and higher standards. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the change of company name.

Notice is hereby given, thank you.

November 26, 2021


Нептун логистика была основана в 2005 году, имеет 20 - летний опыт работы в команде управления проектом логистики.стремление предоставить клиентам наиболее конкурентоспособные стандартизированные логистические решения.

Excellent Qianhai No.T3 22F, No. 5033, Menghai Avenue, Nanshan District, Shenzhen

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86 (0755) 8305 6700
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